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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  October 11, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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the men should buy it. if woman call thes it off, he gets ring back. thanks for being part of the real story and every day. now to "shepard smith reporting" live from the fox news deck. >> your friend dies of cancer. your friend gives you her dog, and you have found a really good home for the dog from your friend. so you send the dog on a plane to its new owner. but the airline loses the dog. and then the airline sends an e-mail to the news station that asked about it. eh, canada? >> now, at 3:00 this afternoon, star nfl running back adrian peterson's two-year-old son is reportedly in critical condition this hour, and cops have arrested a man dating the boy's mother for beating the child. according to the recording of
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the st. paul pie knee press newspapers, adrian peterson's father confirmed the toddler is one of the football players kids. the incident happened in south dakota, about four hours west of minneapolisy peterson plays for the minnesota vikings. police and medical workers say they responded to an emergency call at the suspect's apartment, and found this two-year-old boy inside. authority says the mother's boyfriend had been caring for the child, and then he was the only other person in the home when they got there. cops later arrested the boyfriend after the hospital determined the toddler's injuries were not an accident. the toddler had been badly abused. the reigning league mvp spoke out. what did adrian peterson say? >> reporter: he started out the news conference staying this is a private matter and he did not want to answer any questions and
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he told reporters not to ask, and they didn't. he was in south dakota yesterday to be with his son. clearly back at practice today. and he said he's going to play against the carolina panthers on sunday because football helps him mentally. listen. >> one thing i always bounce back to is the good lord never gives you more you can handle. >> reporter: wednesday night, the police got a call that a boy was suffering choking injuries. they rushed the boy to the hospital and the doctors quickly found out this was not accidental. listen to the police. >> that initial exam there was information that the doctors believed that the injuries were consistent with child abuse. and so they were head injuries. don't have the exact -- what those specific injuries are, but some of those are involved waiting for tests to come back. >> reporter: the actual charge, shep, gives us more information
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about the potential injury that read, and i'm quoting, causes serious badly injury to an infant less than three years old by causing bleed, swelling, or damage to the brain by blows, shaking or impact with an object. the suspect, joseph patterson, has a history of domestic violence. the mother of his own son twice tried to get a restraining order against him for allegedly choking her and threatening her with a knife and another woman in 2004 also tried to get a restraining order against patterson for beating her up back then. >> the two-year-old is critical. >> reporter: very critical. when the police showed up and the paramedics showed up, the boy was unresponsive. so they brought him to the hospital and revived him. they're saying with these extreme head injuries he is critical. the suspect is facing right now up to 25 years in prison if the boy dies. clearly those charges will escalate dramatically.
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>> trace gallagher, thanks. to the dead look in d.c. there's word the house republicans have a new offer for the president but some of their colleagues in the senate say they have plan of their own. two different ones. we'll get to the details in a moment. senate republicans came out a meeting with the president at white house a hours ago. house g.o.p. leaders were there yesterday. a new poll from "the wall street journal" and nbc news shows a disaster for the republican party. it shows that in the roughly quarter center they've been doing surveys of the kind, the approval rating of republicans in congress is an at all-time historic low of 24%. that's compared to the 36% from congressional democrats and 47% for the president. wendell is live at the white house. you get up and see the headlines and figure something that to give with the g.o.p. there's in a mels at the moment. >> reporter: and it's clear,
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shep, that the polls appear to be driving this new effort to compromise, or at least look like they're compromising. as you say, nobody is doing well in the polls but republicans are really catching hell. that's frustrating some republican leaders like senator john mccain, who said we shut down the government and that gave the white house the opportunity to mismanage the whole thing. he says that trying to tie the government being open and an increase in the debt ceiling to obamacare was, in his words, fool's ear rand that never had a chance of succeeding. >> it's interesting the way thissing coming together. seems like time is of the essence. doesn't sound like republicans wanting this to drag on. >> reporter: they have to come towards their colleague in the senate who have given the president a proposal that in the words of author susan collins, the president was receptive,
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though he didn't jump up and slap his head and say, why didn't i think of that. republicans want to increase the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown, but give government agencies some flexibility on how their budgets are spent. remember, they're still spending at the 10% across the board cut levels from the sequester in exchange what they want from mr. obama is a repeal or replacement of the medical device taxes that republicans say would be driving business overseas, and want to make people who join the insurance exchanges make sure that they qualify for the subsidies they get for them. so they want to verify their income. the president may see this as a fix, as opposed to an attempt to repeal or replace obama saturday. he always said he is willing to look at fixes. on the house side, on the other hand, republicans want to extend the debt ceiling temporarily, but then they want what one calls serious negotiations on
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spending before or as they rae open the government. senate majority leader harry reid said that's a nonstarter. the white house indicated the president might be willing to extend the debt ceiling and leave the government shutdown, but after meeting with reid yesterday afternoon, that seems to have gone away, shep. >> are we closer now? sounds like it. >> reporter: pete sessions of -- jeff sessions of alabama came out of the meeting here this afternoon and said there were some opening progress for negotiations which could be fruitful. we expect the republicans in both the house and senate -- senate republicans are talking now. we expect there will be talks of the weekend. i wouldn't be surprised if we see some serious movement early next week. >> we're waiting for the daily briefing from jay carney and crew, and when that begins we'll moderate it. four suspects in the biker attacks on a father here in new
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york, back in court today. the brutal beatdown on the west side highway, the place were said to have been involved in some way, and the fallout across this big city, coming up on "shepard smith reporting" from the fox news deck. glad to have you. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance,
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using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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to breaking news now. the state department has just confirmed that u.s. forces have captured a pakistani taliban
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terrorist leader in a military operation. this -- we heard about this but just getting confirmation, and we now have a picture. this is the man from four years ago. the terror group claimed responsibility for the attempted times square car bombing in 20. the state department reports the man captured today is a senior commander in a terror group, and a trusted confidante of the group's leader. more later. four of the suspects in the biker beating in new york city were become in court, one of them an undercover police officer, accused of joining in the attack. he left court wearing a hoodie to cover his face, and there was extra security. his attorney is vowing to clear his client's name. the video shows the officer punching the back window of the suv in question, which the bikers chased all over manhattan when they caught up with it, prosecutors say some bikers dragged the driver out of the
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vehicle, kicked him and punched him, while was wife two-year-old daughter watched. now some of the bikers are accusing the victim of starting the whole thing. glory allred says she has evidence that the driver hit one of the motorcycles first before the helmet cam started rolling. we have not seen this video and cannot confirm it represents. she represents this guy. she says he is probably paralyzed, her words, after the suv ran him over, breaking his spine. video of the chase before the beating, before the beating happened, shows the incident. several bikers surrounded the suv before the driver floored it to escape and ran over some of the bikers in the process. the cops have not charged the driver with anything. his wife says the bikers put the family in, quote, life-threatening situation. with us now on the news deck is attorney rose marie a. followed. this is a tough one, because
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gloria -- they're now turning the tables on the man we see as the victim here. >> i know gloria, and i think she is a great lawyer. even gloria cannot make that man a victim. because even if, shepard, it happens that two minutes before the video goes on, this guy nicked another motorcycle -- we heard that before. the guy who she represents clearly in the video got right in front of this suv, and almost came to a stop. so, even if he's going to say, well, i'm the victim because i was just trying to stop him because i saw him do a hit-and-run, that guy is not a cop. that's number one. and even if he was a cop, you don't get in front of an suv and slam on your brakes in order to have justice done. that is the -- the police -- the cops' job. >> she's making the argument when you're driving a vehicle, that's potentially a deadly
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weapon, and when you move forward over a human being, that you have committed a crime. no matter what happened before. that's her argument. >> a vehicle is not a gun. a vehicle is only a deadly weapon when it's deliberately used to hurt someone else. in this -- case, it's clear from the video this man felt he and his family were in imminent danger, and if you look at the video, they were in imminent danger. they're being surrounded by a gang of motorcyclistses. and any parent in their right mind, with a child in their car, is going to do anything to prevent an emergency, to prevent your child or your wife from being hurt, and you have to put yourself in the position, because, look, this isn't a he said/she said. this is on video and this video is going to get shown to a jury, and anybody on that jury in their right mind is going to say, this guy got right in front of the suv and slammed on your brakes. don't do that and you won't get hilt bay car.
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>> what we can't know is what happened before the video came on. >> we don't know. it doesn't matter. even if that suv hit another motorcycle, like we hear, there was another motorcycle he accidentally hit. maybe he didn't know he hit him, maybe he didn't. maybe he was going to report it to police. we don't know. what we do know is that even if that happened, this other guy who had nothing to do with that, got right in front of that suv and stopped his motorcycle. >> that do you make of the police officer, the undercover police officer who was keirly on scene when it happened and didn't say much. >> well, that's awful. police officers have a duty, even when they're off-duty, to act like police officers. they have to be available for duty 24/7. and the fact that he is on awhae suv with his helmet, and his lawyer says the evidence is going to help him out -- i mean, a picture says a thousand words. you can see him hitting the suv. i think he is in big trouble.
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not to mention you're not going to ennam nationallor your yourself to jurors by wait fourth or five days before you come forward, especially not an every of the law. >> thank you for having me. the studio is beautiful. facebook makes a change, big change, that lets anybody find your profile, even itch you're -- even if you're in stealth mode. we're waiting to find out on the matter hoff the debt -- of the debt ceiling, what the white house says to these offers. a press briefing was scheduled to begin 30 minutes ago. when it does happen we'll let go know. clients are always learning more to make their money do more. (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy.
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and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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19 minutes past the hour. the king of all dump trucks has
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arrived, and the truck is a monster. a company in the soviet republic of belarus introduced it. it's 65 feet long and 26 feet high. it can carry a load of about 500 tons. about as much as a loaded 747. the truck has a top speed of 40-miles-an-hour. a representative for the manufacturer says the company plans to submit this truck to the begin is in book of world records. and look at this tire here. in fact we have a picture over on the wall. and this is the actual size of the tire. this wall is 12 and a half feet tall. the tire is taller then the wall. the wheels alone are more than 13 feet tall. this is the annual size.
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you can see one wouldn't exactly fit in there. and it's a big wall. a monster. and they're submitting it to begin is in book. if you thought you could protect yourself from stalkers, on facebook, that may not really be true anymore. facebook is making a big change. it just announced it's getting rid of a privacy setting that allows you to hide your profile from the site0s search function so now in theory anybody can find you no matter what you do. according to facebook, we removing the setting because it isn't useful as it was before. now there are better ways to manage your privacy using your privacy shortcuts. the company claims only a single digit percentage of 1.2 billion people on the network use the setting. facebook adds that users can still protect their privacy by limiting who can see their photos, including -- posts, including photos and videos. chris is live with us here on the deck. i a know a number of people who use this setting, number of
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people in this building and they're not happy. >> a lot of people are not happy, and if you think about it, single digit for 1.2 billion users is still a few million, and so what is going to happen, are they now going to jump off facebook? this is what we're going to explore today. >> single digits is tens of millions of people. so if you were using this seth, which people were, what can you do now? >> you can't protect yourself. facebook is trying to merge it so you can do things in individual grouped, or individual lists, but they -- from the open graph perspective you now can be found by anyone. you can't change that. it's good and it's bad. >> i know only single digits use it, but it's not like it costs extra money. >> it doesn't. >> why are they getting rid of it? >> they want people to be found, and what that's raises i the large questions about the privacy debate for social media, and what about the social in social media. the larger question is, if you
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want to keep your privacy, should you be on social media? that's really the interesting topic that is emerging. >> some people like to read but don't like to post. a lot of people do that. they don't want you doing that. >> that's going to be harder because everything you read now is tracked, and thing goes in your news feed, and now people can find you. before people could find you through a friend, like hand carry in walking around real-people life. >> it always encourages stalking. this is not good. a lot of this is encouraging. that privacy protection was very important. if you had a stalker, you wanted to have that on. a lot of people who felt comfortable with the privacy restriction will now jump off facebook. and let me tell you, for some people it's an important feature. >> a friend said, my whole life
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is on display to the point where, when i want to tell something, when i see someone i haven't seen in a long time, we don't have anything new to talk about. she is like, wonder if main this social putting everything i am online is such a good idea after all? i'm like, duh? >> i think people are reconsidering and going into 2014, the notion of privacy is going to exist. there's a lot of issues of oversharing and if you're looking for privacy, you can't be shocked because facebook has always done what they have come out with today. they've always done this. so you have to accept that if if you're going to be on social media, be social. if not, you're not going to get in the privacy you opposite -- once thought you had. >> makes sense. more on the government shutdown and the debt limit deadline, chris wallace will be here in just a minute. we're waiting for the white house briefing. maybe they're getting closer to a deal.
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maybe this national might anywhere -- nightmare might actually end. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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a fox report now. here of the headlines. a boat carrying hundreds of migrants has capsized south of sillsly. the italian coast guard reports most of the passengers were rescued. last week 400 people died when another boat sank in that exact area. the watchdog group inspects chemical weapons won the nobel peace prize. the american missionary in north korea got a visit from her mother. she says her son's health was improved after being moved to a
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hospital. north korea accused him of possible acts against the state. just a few minutes the dog who turned up missing at air canada's behest and the e-mail air canada sent. my mantra?
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trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied,
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increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. half past the hour on "shepard smith reporting." continued coverage of the political standoff in washington. there are planes to end the shutdown and races the debt ceiling. we have been waiting for the press secretary at the house. that hasn't happened. kris wallace is live from their studios on capitol hill. sounds like -- i don't know -- a lot of things have piled on here. some powerful conservative groups changed their mind and then the polls came out, and i'm guessing that might have changed a lot of minds. >> reporter: i think it had actually begun before that, which is one of the reasons house republicans beat a
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tactical retreat when hey said they would support a clean debt ceiling without strings attached. i think we're a little bit rushing the gun on the idea there's a deal going to be made here. i talked to a senate republican, who is in the meeting earlier today with the president. he said, there was some talk back and forth but no clear ways forward. house republicans are not sure they've got a deal because they haven't agreed to something that would re-open the government, and the president is insisting on that. so i think there's still some hurdles to be crossed and i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the government is still shut down and the debt default clock is ticking by monday. if the polls keep falling i'm guessing they'll trial to come up with something. i know there's a lot of division because there are different ideas how thinks should be done. is the republican party in transition? how would you describe what is happening inside the republican
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party? >> reporter: sure. there's a split in the party. there's the so-called establishment, the folks who have been around the while who never wanted to make it about obamacare. now they like obamacare, they were fighting this, they didn't think the president would budge and it wag silly to get in a fight over it or shut down the government. and then you have the tea party groups, which is about 40 house republicans -- not a majority but a very substantial minority -- and they are demanding changes in obamacare and they are willing to shut town the government over it. so you have a real split inside the party. some would say it's a grassroots versus the more establishment types and a split between the grassroots and the business community, which has for long been a key ally of the republican party. this is a party fighting for its identity. >> i wonder how the rank-and-file are reflecting on
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the moves by ted cruz and others. he was building lists and out with an ad campaign saying, defund obamacare now. knowing all the while that wasn't going to happen. and other senators from -- republican senators said as much. this was never going to happen. it was a false premise. >> reporter: it's interesting about the rank-and-file. some people are saying that's the tea party. then you look at the polls which indicate not just in the country but a lot of republicans are very unhappy with what the republicans have done. i don't know how anybody could not be unhappy to see the government shut down, to see the debt ceiling approaching, and the possibility of a default, it's not just the republicans. plenty of democrats at fault, and i think the president was feeling the heat with the refusal to negotiate. that has had a backlash against them. so, there's plenty of blame to go around. that's why you see both sides scrambling to come up with something to avoid going over
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f the default, which i think would be very serious. >> certainly is. it has exposed this rift here of the two competing thoughts. is it your sense the establishment is getting back control? is it john boehner may get ahold of his caucus here? doesn't feel like it. >> reporter: i think a little bit. to this degree, the fact that boehner stood so form for almost two weeks now with the tea party group and supported their demands and demanded their be changes in obamacare, i think -- now he has been able to move them a little more towards the center because they feel he had their back and was supporting them for a long period of time, and i think they're beginning to hear the tea-party groups -- they're beginning to hear some discontent from people back home, particularly as the government -- i think a lot of people thought which this woulde shorter and now we're in the end of the second week and possibly in default.
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this is nothing compared to what happens if the market tanks a thousand points next week. to be continued. and let me quickly say, i'm wondering whether this says something about our standing at fox news that i'm sitting here with a desk and a wall and a window, and you have the starship enterprise. >> star-shep enterprise. >> this is our 30-foot wall, we call him monster. glory good company. only a few million dollars worth of stuff around here. >> reporter: you can see it on the tv. it looks spectacular and you look great. i'm not that jealous. >> this is the part i thought you would be giving me all kinds of grief and you're not. you haven't made fun of -- >> reporter: i'll come over there -- you have -- the south
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40 there. they have ipads bigger than my television. >> correct. they show very well on screen, you know. that way we can show things, chris. we show things. right? >> reporter: there's no studio over here for me to walk around in. i'm at a desk. >> you're more comfortable in a chair, aren't you, chris? >> actually, honestly, yes. >> come to the grove with me this weekend, we got texas a&m and johnny football coming to town. >> reporter: and incidentally, we e-mail each other, and bo wallace, my cousin, didn't do so good last week. >> this year i feel good about it and i'm excited. >> reporter: i'm excited you're excited. i'm excited you have this huge, expansive studio and i have a desk. >> i'm excited, too. have a great day, chris. see you on the next fox news
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sunday. chris will talk with senator bob corker and joe mansion. the shut down is making things worse for cities struggling, and detroit may be at the top of the list. officials say if the shutdown continues it could affect thousands of jobs in a city where the unemployment rate has nearly tripled since 2000. the city that became the largest in the united states history ever to file for protection under the bankruptcy laws, and people wait nearly an hour on average for police to respond to their calls. our veteran war correspondent steve harry -- harrigan is in detroit, and he was in new
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orleans and camden, new jersey, and now detroit. hello, steve. >> reporter: hello. we have heard a lot of comparisons about detroit and a war zone. here in detroit we spend time with two people, who live in the city, and know something about war. for one minute, 20 seconds at a gas station, 64-year-old chester jordan is beaten by three men and one woman. they come back to beat him seven times. it's 2:30 in the afternoon. witnesses continue to fill their tanks as jordan eventually loses consciousness. >> got out of the service -- >> reporter: chester jordan is a former marine, vietnam veteran, awarded three purple hearts. he is disappointed in himself. for letting his guard down in detroit. >> over in nam and all that. if you weren't paying tapings, something can happen. >> reporter: detroit is not vietnam but it's not detroit anymore, either. not the city where families took
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loving care of the staple of the american dream, the single family house. >> detroit police! get on the ground. >> reporter: 78,000 of those houses are abandoned. taken over by squatters or 30,000 stray dogs. some of whom are left to starve on roof tops. there is no war in detroit. but there is a desperation you see in those who are on their own, and under attack. steve is from iraq. in detroit, he has been robbed 20 times in four years. now he sleeps in a liquor store with a gun. >> enough is enough. maybe those thieves stop it. one top you teach them, you learn. >> reporter: you can tell that liquor store owner is ready to take matters in his own hands. he says the last time he was robbed it took police three days to respond.
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shepard. >> what is this house you're in? >> reporter: this is an bane donned house, one of 78,000. i'm ankle deep in syringes. the police say they're obstacles because they're used as drug houses, and up and down the street we have been seeing young men go and out of houses, sometimes going bathroom outside. the tragedy is for the good houses and the good people on this block. we saw an elderly couple trimming their hedges, taking care of their major investment and everything around them is going to hell. >> steve, we have in pictures over here from around detroit. it's no secret there's a lot of blight there and a lot of problems. i'm just wondering if the found any revenue, anything to be able to get rid of these eye sores. part of this is a matter of mental health for people. >> reporter: it certainly is a matter of mental health. you can sense it walking around, that people are tense, people aren edge, and the broken window theory comes into play here in
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detroit, when almost everywhere you look it's broken windows, broken houses. it's depressing to walk around and see this, and when you're here it's a lot worse than just the pictures. >> steve harrigan, traveling across the country for us. thank you very much. ahead, the u.s. postal service just decided some of its stamps are setting a very bad example. so, they're destroying the stamps. there's more to this. stay with us. fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection.
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at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires reech ] ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. toyota. let's go places, safely.
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from the, can you believe this file, the u.s. postal service is in serious financial trouble and is now destroying an entire series of brand new stamps because they say they could set a bad example for kids. they're part of the just move stamp series. each of the 15 stamps shows a cartoon aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.
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the postal service's marketing director asked first lady michelle obama to get in on the launch and that's when the council got involved. the folks decided some stamps -- see this? jump rope, toss and juggle and bounce and dribble. stay active is the point. look at these three. potentially showing dangerous activities, says the post office. doing a hand stand. dangerous activity. doing a cannonball in the swimming pool, apparent live is a dangerous activity, and then skateboarding without knee pads, i mean, all the children are going to die. and because of that, because of that, they destroyed the stamps. kids will do hand stands, they will do cannonballing, and i guarantee you they will skateboard without knee pads no matter what your silly cartoon stamps say. unbelievable. the pentagon will once again
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pay the families of the nation's fallen heroes despite the shutdown. president obama signed a bill that reinstated military death benefits. families typically get $100,000 to consecutive the cost of funerals and other expenses. but the pentagon said it had to stop sending the money because of the government shutdown. that infuriated lawmakers from both sides, not to mention americans across at the country. jennifer griffin, we know officials knew this was happening. we know three days before the undersecretary told them it was going to happen. we know they didn't take necessary steps to make it stephappening but they're having a wonderful time with as a political football as it is, sadly. >> reporter: very sad. the families should have never been caught in the middle of this food fight in washington. we spent the last three days talking to officials in the pentagon about how this came to pass, how did it get to this point? did it require a new law, signed
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by the president last night, to pay these families these death benefits? what we learned is that there was an old law on the books from the 1800sed that congress has known about, which is that during a shutdown, certain things are accepted. you can't pay tax payouts. that is illegal. and the pentagon had warned congress that was the case. they warned the white house before the shutdown happened, and the law that the legislators, republican legislators, wrote, called the pay our military act, on the eve of the shutdown, was not specific enough. the language was not specific enough to give the dod lawyers the ability to pay these $100,000. and then what makes matters more complicated, the dod was not allowed to go out and solicit charities and others to fill the gap. that would have been an ethics violation. but when fisher house, who works with veteran families, came
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purdue and eaverred, they were able to make sure the families would get paid, and that's when the president stepped in -- excuse me -- congress unanimously passed a new law, the president signed it last night, and it all became a moot point. >> i'm glad the got it done. now just get the rest of it fixes. the airline that managed to lose a woman's dog. and then the spokesman's response. be careful when writing e-mails. if you mean to send something kind of behind closed doors so a colleague, don't accidentally send it to a television station. it's quite a thing coming up. animal lovers unite. eh. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance,
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using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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airline. you lose your luggage, bad enough. now the airline managed to lose a woman's dog, and the way they responded is unbelievable the airline in canada. it admitted it lost a two-year-old greyhound, seen her. the airline claims a worker let the dog out of its crate, which the owner said do not do this. but the airline worker did so anyway to take the dog for a walk, trying to do the right thing. but little larry here took off and ran away. not in an enclosed space. air canada told the opener it would investigate. then a local news station reached out to the airline with some questions and that's when an air canada spokesman sent out an e-mail. oops. saying, i think i would just ignore. it is local news doing a story on a lost dog. they're -- meaning the d that's a sic -- their government is
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shutdown and about to default and this is how the u.s. media spends its time. he meant' to send hat to a colleague. it was reportedly meant for a colleague. we're on the phone with the owner of the dog. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> it's my understanding a friend of yours died and left the dog to your care. >> that's absolutely correct. she asked me to place all her dogs in loving homes. >> you found a loving home. >> found a highly, highly recommended home. the nicest people in the world up in campbell river, british columbia. >> and that's the reason the dog was taking the flight you. carefully put him in a zip tied container, right? tell me about that. >> yes. he was in an approved airline carrier, and i had put four zip ties on the door, and personally instructed them never, ever to open that carrier under any
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circumstances. he had a food and water dish that they could access from the outside in order to give him water or slide food in, and there was absolutely no reason for this airline to open the door. he had absorbent materials and a real cushy lovely doughnut dog bed to sleep in. >> and then this e-mail came from the news station. after all you have been through, i wonder how that sat. >> well, it's pretty obvious that the person on the other end of this e-mail is extremely cold and very callous, and i was angry. i was very angry. i was also -- i was angry at the airline and angry for my government. to be -- to have this kind of response to what is happening in washington, dc. >> i hear you. >> internationally. >> air canada told us today they're out there looking for your poor lost dog. and they're doing their best,
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and they regret how this all went down. anytime you send an e-mail like that by accident you regret it. >> i'm sure they would. >> good luck to you. hope you find your little loved one. >> thank you so much, and thank you for all your help in getting the word out. >> you bet, stephen colbert's turn to weigh in on our news deck. not a life saver this time. that was jon stewart. now there's falcon and so much more. nation. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you?
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apply for a passport illegally. attempting to provide material support to al qaeda. much more of this throughout the afternoon on fox news. tide you watch stephen colbert last night? the fox news deck is attracting competition and now has competition. colbert now has a new veranda which comes equipped with kittens, a falcon and a lot more. >> shep may have a 38-foot video wall, but i've got a 38-story video climbing wall. the climbers formerly news producers now called information sherpas, scale the wall to bring you the latest story. it's a dangerous job, but should they fall to their deaths, that's just more news for the wall. the most are grabbable stories are hand selected and delivered to me via news falcon. news falcon, report.
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>> thank you, noble friend. news falcon, away. >> now i'm jealous. chris wallace wants a news falcon, nation. >> no falcons here. lots of talk today. a deal is nearing. is that because the numbers force are for these guys are imploding? welcome everybody. i'm in for neil cavuto. the government shutdown is now in it's 11th day and numbers for both sides are getting worse by the day. 60% of americans say every member of congress should be fired. when independents are surveyed, 60% say they disapprove how the president us handling his job. are those dismal numbers bolt seal a deal? more with tim scott who is at the white house today. first to former